Monday, December 9, 2013

It Seems A Waste To Only Build A Robot For One Purpose

If there is not a camera around could he sweep a few floors and maybe do the dishes or a load of laundry? I mean if he's around anyways. Just don't let anyone take his picture or he will freak out. What could go wrong if I let him into my home?


Hobgoblin238 said...

So funny Cal!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Oh these big robot company just keep building models outfitted for such specific tasks so that have to keep buying the upgrades. I here Robot Version 6 is supposed to smash cameras and delicious make fruit smoothies.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

He is very proud about being "trained" to smash your camera. Not programmed, no, he has a will all his own that he sought tutelage from the in the fine art of smashing cameras, and has become stronger for the years of training and is a step above the flithy meat bags who made him.

DrGoat said...

I see a future in the TSA for him and similar robots.

profsafety said...

That’s one way to deal with the paparazzi.

Kal said...

Paparazzi Robots. Now someone is working WITH ME. Kill them all and the Kardashians go away. Oh I like this idea more and more. Sure the robots will turn on us once they are done with all the PAPARAZZI but hey, let's try it.