Monday, January 6, 2014

Major Crimes - Rusty Deathwatch Update

I have made no secret of my desire to see the death of one of the major characters on one of my very favorite shows - Major Crimes. This show grew out of The Closer which was also terrific. After Kyra Sedgewick left that program I was sure it would end but the cast and crew just changed boses and carried on with business as usual. Mary McDonnel was already a part of the program so they just promoted her up to Captain.

Of course Captain Raider had to come with a kid - not her own kid mind you but some street punk who happened to witness a murder. She took him in to keep him safe. Now if it was me, spending as much time as she did with sweet Rusty, I would have taken my service revolver and shot him myself. He is the most annoying teen character and actor that I have ever seen - and I want a lot of Disney Channel so I should know.

Grahan Patrick Martin is this kid's name. And believe it or not he once starred opposite Jennifer Lawrence - yes, THE Jennifer Lawrence on the Bill Engval Show. They must have spent their budget on a good actress and he was all they could get.

This year we find out that Rusty has be secretly hiding letters he's been getting that are threatening his death. So what do all these highly trained police officers do? They of course train the kid to be his own target to draw out the writer of the letters. Sounds perfectly safe to me. What could go wrong? NOTHING so far it seems even though last episode things look promising....until we learned it was all just a run through - a test - to see if the dumb kid could do what they told him to do (which again seem monstrously unsafe and an injury lawyer's wet dream).

I was so hoping a snipers bullet or a suicide bomber would run into the park and take Rusty down quick and dirty. I just want him gone. He annoys the shit out of me and takes screen time and story time away from much more interesting characters like Flynn and Prevenza.

So again, as I wait for tonight's newest episode of Major Crimes to download I hope and pray that THIS is the night when Rusty bites the bullet or dies in whatever creative ways the writers choose. Just kill him already. I promise I won't write letters or protest or lead any 'save Rusty' campaigns.

And if you could, just for me, make it a head shot. I think that looks more dramatic on television.


david_b said...

Yep, watched it..

The pain continues.

Perhaps it'll go down in some almanac as the 'longest running sucky subplot'.

If they'd just resolve this storyline, then perhaps make him a junior background character on the squad (like how Buzz started out..), it would be fine.

Sure, keep the dude on the payroll, just get his angst out of our stories...

Kal said...

Nope, he has worked my last nerve and all his chances. When he could have been dating that really really cute girl Kristen, he lost all or any love I still had for 'Rusty'. Death to Rusty! Next week he gets it or WORSE...someone I like like Prevenza gets hurt saving him because Prevenza ran or something and as we know he doesn't run.