Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Real Life Superheroes

Real life Kick-Asses?
 This will always end badly for the hero.


Combo said...

There is this blog called "Heroes In The Night" where this blogger compiles every RLSH fact & profiles, activities and documentaries. Not much of a fan but it's just ridiculously fun to read 'em.

Check it out:

Kal said...

I do love this stuff ever since I saw the Phoenix Jones clip. A large black man enters a secret room behind a comic store's comic shelves and a large black man in a black and gold rubber suit emerges. How did Lois Lane never make the connection. I too love this stuff. Have you see the movie about the wrestlers in mexico who do this superhero thing for a living. They take up social causes and live their lives as their Luchador characters.

Super Amigos.