Sunday, March 9, 2014

On The Hunt For - Toys From The Movie DUNE

I have added these toys to my 'hunt' list. It always bothered me that they got by me especially since I loved the movie and the book so much. I have a lot of Dune stuff in my collection but strangely, no toys.




Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I think we have the board game. Does that count?

Kal said...

If it's complete it just might...let me know.

Hobgoblin238 said...

Never saw the movie.

Kal said...

Oh then you have missed out. I love the 1984 version but SYFY did a ten hour version of the first three books in the series as a two part miniseries. I think you would like it.

fuzzimojo said...

Hi there, if you are still looking for the Spice Scout buggy if you want it. Not sure what it sells for but I'm looking to part with it. contact me if you are interested