Thursday, May 22, 2014

My First Lonely Tulip To Bloom

It's typical that this poor lonely flower would be the first to come up. He seems to have been struggling all year as much as I have to spring to life. This facial thing is really starting to worry me. From my research I have all the symptoms of Bell's Palsy. I have lost taste is the outer part of my tongue and I am having speech problems that cause me to slur my words occasionally. My one eye isn't closing all the way and during my shower I was not able to close it enough to keep the soap out. Now I need eye drops for ONE eye. It could go away in as soon as ten days or it could require steroid treatment. I hate having to go to see another doctor because the ones at my clinic will just agree with my diagnosis. They always do. If I had my own prescription pad I wouldn't need any  medical professional in my life.



Mike said...

Well done sir!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Go the effen Emerg! How many of these comments do I have to nag you with?