Monday, July 14, 2014

Fun Times Around Casa Cal

We had a bit of wind last night and the heavy branches caused one of my favorite trees came partially down. Two years ago I thought we had taken care of the heavier upper branches but I guess we didn't do enough. Part of my beautiful fence was wrecked too. The boys are coming tomorrow to take care of this. I just hope they don't strip the remaining trees too much because I like how much coverage we get from them. I do worry in every storm because the sway always seems too much for the branches to take. Yesterday, it actually was too much.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Jeez, it really did a number on your fence. Will the boys fix that too?

Kal said...

Yup. And I fixed and painted that fence last year.

DrGoat said...

Nature had different plans for your fence. We've been having a lot of that around here too.

Kal said...

Fuck nature. I am taking steps to mitigate the problem. No 30 year old fence is going to stop me...dag nabbit.