Monday, October 13, 2014

Remember This Day

Because it's the day when CANADA saved the world from the scourge of Ebola with a vaccine to the deadly virus. There you go. Once again we save you from yourselves.


david_b said...

OBAMA and his CDC certainly aren't going to save us sir.

"Nooo, it'll never come to America", he told the nation.

I kept telling everyone when we elected him, twice.

"America, thanks for NOT listening."

Wait until hit Canada, sir.

Just wait. It's coming.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Did you just become illiterate? WE have a vaccine. And it doesn't work on Hillbillies so you are shit out of luck. Obama got your guys good.

david_b said...

Feeble but nice try, Cal.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, about that vaccine. They don't know yet whether it works on humans. Just a small quibble, I know.

Kal said...

Oops. It will work. We make good vaccine. It's got maple syrup in it.