Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Have To Give My Props To MTV

I was there at the beginning. I saw the spaceman. I heard and WATCHED the Buggles doing 'Video Killed The Radio Star' and I lived the 80s loving MTV. Then the music went away and I was sad and bitter.

But then MTV somehow drew me back with their Teen Mom franchise. It infuriated and fascinated me to see all these bright girls getting pulled down by deadbeat boys who almost NEVER stood up and took responsibility for the children that they created. I was angry too at the girls for their bad choices in men and how they are forced to grow up so fast. Most are poor and don't have the support needed to give their children the things a child needs to thrive in those early years. It's one of those shows that forces me to talk at the TV like I think the people can hear what I am saying.

This season they brought back the original girls. The first girls they featured in one complete season. They couldn't have chosen the cast any better because each girl is unique and each of their stories are unique. Some I love, Like Caitlynn and her long time boyfriend Tyler who gave their child up for adoption and are still together 6 years later. They just had their second child which they kept. Tyler is a great kid and a rare example of a boy who became a MAN and can be proud of himself.

Then there is Farrah. Oh poor, damaged, frustrating, and hateful Farrah. She has the biggest chip on her shoulder of anyone I have ever seen. Her sense of entitlement is off the charts and she is the example of poor life choices. She has a child by her boyfriend who then, luckily, died. She milked that for everything it was worth. She treated her daughter, her family, her pets, her boyfriends and most everyone else as an inconvenience and an annoyance when they DARE to challenge any of the numerous poor life choices she has made. Then she did a porn movie and went on Dr. Phil to claim she was tricked. Surprisingly she did not come off well. The girl calls her father by his first name and never uses DAD or FATHER to refer to him.

This season of Teen Mom OG started without Farrah but she came back much to the chagrin of Maci who didn't want her son to be in the same show as a porn star. She had a point and left the show herself for a time. Of course Farrah treated this attack like she treats every attack...like an attack.

But that is not my point. Today PART 2 of the reunion show was suppose to be ready for download. It isn't. And this was the most interesting part with Dr Drew grilling Farrah about her 'cunty' behavior. I wanted to watch that. In my frustration I went to the MTV website thinking maybe it was posted there but knowing it would not be.

But BLESS YOU MTV, you actually have the show, up for me to watch, without any fuss or restrictions because I live in Canada. You came through for me in a way you haven't for years. Is their hope for you? Just maybe.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's enough to bring a tear of joy to your eye.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's an Internet miracle.