Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Share Because I Care

I eat most of these. Who has ever seen a Goji Berry? I don't do the fig. They know why. Where is my beloved cherry on this list? I have a fruit smoothie everyday. I should live to be 51 with all these health benefits.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I bought a bag of cherries at Save-on last night. Thirteen goddamn dollars! Oh well, it's worth it. I've had chocolate covered goji berries but that's the closest I've come to seeing one.

DrGoat said...

Wow. Thirteen bucks. That's pretty high. Hope you got a couple of lbs.
Still waiting for Rainier cherries to come out. They're pricier than
reds but really good.

Dr. Theda said...

Why is the lemon "green", like a lime...
there are many plants that are good for you and your health, good Sir...