Wednesday, August 12, 2015

You People Are Killing Me

I am just frustrated by the lack of comments at this Cave Of Cool blog. I still think I put out a quality product but maybe I have nothing more to say of interest to anyone else that is worthy of a larger conversation. Maybe I am just repeating myself at this point and have lost my womanly freshness. I don't know. It's hot in the house. Humid, like the Florida conditions Hemmingway created in.

I wish someone was around to talk to through the comments. Of course for you regular commenters, (who I should call the Dirty Dozen because it is just about how many there are in that distinguished group of diehards) I was thinking of having a sticker or patch designed to honor your contribution but who would ever value something stupid like that?

It's times like this when I really feel like I should be on my own ship to Mars for an epic solo flight. Why waste a valuable human to see if the trip could be done? Fill a ship with Diet Pepsi, Zebra Cakes and other delicacies and send this idiot Calvin for the three year trip to Mars and back. Give me the internet and a cat for company along with access to my shows and I will do up there what I am already doing in my prison of a home. I will just float through space while providing NASA with valuable space data and snarky commentary on life back in Earth. Think about the money you would save by just sending out ONE guy. If a loser like me can survive, THEN you send one of your Rocket Aces like Lance Bannon to do the really hard work and actually land on Mars.
I do that same job every single day in a house about the size of a small spaceship so I know I can do the time without succumbing to Cabin Fever or Space Madness. That is a real think I hear. Especially on long flights.

This is my model of the ship I will be using. I haven't named it yet. And I decided on adding a cat or two to the crew because of what I learned reading these Space Cat books. You would be surprised how much information they do contain about surviving and thriving in space. Plus cats are so much better company than other creatures.


Humans would be the least preferred companions because eventually EVERYONE gets on my nerves enough that I would WOOOOSH them out the nearest airlock. I know myself. Eventually I would come down to all of them or me. Just avoid the needless deaths, NASA, and have the team of mission scientists conference with me from Earth. Much safer for everyone and I can use Face Time on my tablet.

I hope to meet these numnuts in space.
That Josie is alright.



Josie and the Pussycats died in the cold void of outer space. We can't lie to ourselves any more about this.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

But the cold preserved her body. With our future tech we can thaw her and the pussycats back.

Unknown said...

Oh Cal you worry to much about comments and such...and it can bring you down if you let it...just do this for fun and enjoyment and like the "field of dreams" make it and they will do great work here and create a enjoyable blog but understand folks get busy with things plus blogging is not what it use to be as most folks have shifted to Instagram and other things like it.

Barbecue17 said...

That would totally be awesome if you were blogging about stuff from space. I mean, I'm not in a hurry to see you kicked off of earth or anything but the idea of having an intergalactic blogging pal seems pretty cool.

jester59388 said...

Cal - Just because we're not commenting doesn't mean we aren't paying attention! Some of us just don't have as much worth saying as you do!

Dr. Theda said...

We drop by your wonderful blog a time or more each day... my comments may be "short" but we do so enjoy your great posts, good Sir Kal...

DrGoat said...

I try to get in at least a couple every week. Sometimes
I get moody and don't feel like commenting, but I still
visit every day. I don't usually comment or even get online
on the weekends. I need a break and the older I get, the more
life problems I need to deal with, but I don't know what I'd do
without ya old bean.

csmith2884 said...

I will not except your banishment to the void. I might change my mind if you at least get a spaceship that looks like a horsey.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Just like Serenity?? It looked like a horsey you know?

Tim Knight said...

Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!

Actually badges/stickers/whatever is quite a good idea.

Do you remember a time when everyone was handing out 'blogging awards' left, right and centre (basically to promote their own blogs)? In theory that's not a bad idea though: give your frequent commentators a badge or something for their blog that links back to the Cave of Cool.

Tim Shorts, over at Gothridge Manor (a gaming blog), keeps a chart - on the right-hand side of his blog - listing the folks who've commented the most that month.

Does it encourage people to comment? Honestly, I don't know. But it's a bit of competitive fun and who doesn't love a bit of competitive fun?

Fiendenstein said...

Long time listener, first time caller (I think), here's a comment to let you know I'm a long time almost daily reader (seven years or something like that?)

Unknown said...

Hey Cal, if I could post a screen grab in the comments, you would see that there are two "frequently visited" sites in my browser's home window: Facebook, and Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool. I may not comment too often, but know that I visit your playhouse every day while sipping that first cup of coffee. Now, clean up those socks would you?