Wednesday, September 23, 2015

More Meme About Me

A- Age: 50
B- Biggest Fear: Life
C- Current Time: 4:50 PM
D- Drink you last had: Diet Pepsi
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Myself - I agree with all my opinions.
F- Favorite Song: The World Is Not Enough - Garbage
G- Ghosts, are they real: No, unfortunately. None of that supernatural stuff is real.
H- Hometown: Red Deer
I- In love with: No one but myself.
J- Jealous Of: People who seem to have it all figured out.
K- Killed Someone? Not enough people to be noticed.
L- Last time you cried?: Daily
M- Middle Name... : John
N- Number of Siblings: One sister.
O- One Wish... :To be recognized for my genius by the idiot mass audience.
P- Person who you last called: I don't use the phone. Mama says it's the devil.
Q- Question you're always asked: Where are your pants?"
R- Reason to smile: Thursday
S- Song last sang: Across the Universe - Fiona Apple cover
T- Time you woke up: 8 AM
U- Underwear Color: variable
V- Vacation Destination: Mars. Always get your ass to Mars.
W- Worst Habit: Again, too many to list
X- X-Rays you've had: Skull for embedded buckshot pellets.
Y- Your favorite food: Pizza
Z- Zodiac Sign: Gemini

(click to enlarge)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

P and Q made me laugh out loud.

DrGoat said...

Yeah, loved Q. Perfect. Just a friendly observation, the people
who count already know of your genius. The idiot masses are highly
unstable. You never know what they will do if you get on their
bad side, which is pretty easy to do. Keep them at arms length,
preferably with your freeze gun handy.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You speak only wisdom to me. You are like my Shaman Dr G.

DrGoat said...

You are too kind. By the way, listened to your podcast,
brilliant. I may be a half-assed Shaman, but you are
not only a genius, but well spoken and completely in
command of your well of information. Love to hear that
conversation about comics by the way.

DrGoat said...

And no, I'm not just placating you or kissing your butt. Quit doing that a long time ago. Just the facts. You are the man.
PS. I'll send you the bill. Wisdom doesn't come cheap.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks so much for that. It means the most from those I respect the most.

DrGoat said...

Pleasure to find people like you are still around.
We shall sit at the council fire some day.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The only reason I hope there is a heaven is because I know the one I go to will be populated by like minded travellers who will know of good conversation, good comedy and good smoke. I could entertain a group like that, for eternity.

DrGoat said...

Looking forward to it. Like minded people and also
Keith Richards.