Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sundays With The Steampunk Girls



jimserrettstudio said...

Getting a lot of redirects from ghost spammers on your site. I'd say every other post has been hacked.
You may want to look at that.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Damn, how do I fix that. Just what I need. Sigh.

j-swin said...

Love lady mechanica, awesome artwork

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The detail is perfect for the Steampunk motif.


ghost spammers? what is a ghost spammer?

The spam in Google Analytics can be categorized by two types: ghosts and crawlers.


The vast majority of spam is this type. They are called ghosts because they never access your site. It is important to keep this in mind, as it's key to creating a more efficient solution for managing spam.

As unusual as it sounds, this type of spam doesn't have any interaction with your site at all. You may wonder how that is possible since one of the main purposes of GA is to track visits to our sites.

They do it by using the Measurement Protocol, which allows people to send data directly to Google Analytics' servers. Using this method, and probably randomly generated tracking codes (UA-XXXXX-1) as well, the spammers leave a "visit" with fake data, without even knowing who they are hitting.

I have no problem with your site...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

So my real numbers are less than I thought so I am even MORE pathetic. LOL. Great. Something else I didn't need to know.