Monday, December 14, 2015

Childhood Ends (Part 1)

I have been waiting for this one for a long time. I remember reading the book many years ago and I love the idea of humans being scammed by the very aliens that say they are here to help us. TO SERVE MAN should have taught us all we ever needed to know about these illegals. Their intentions are NEVER good for us humans. I love how this show is a three part miniseries shown over three nights like in the good old 80s. I am totally into that. Get ready for my three night review. This is just the kind of show that I have been looking for lately.

The first episode was everything I expected but I saw this one coming from deep into space. I knew everything would turn bad for us humans. I was hoping for a twist because I hate when I have everything figured out in the first ten minutes and boy did I GET a twist. I see many shades of 2001 - A Space Odyssey which makes sense because both books were written by the same author.




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy, Cal!

DrGoat said...

Me too. Read that back in the 60s. Hoping they do a good
job with A.C.C.'s great novel. Recorded it last night, will
watch tonight.