Thursday, December 17, 2015

I Am SHOCKED To See There Is Lying In Politics

The three biggest liars on the list are — surprise — Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx). A whopping 84 percent of Carson’s fact-checked statements were ruled false (from “mostly false” to“pants on fire”), as were 76 percent of Trump’s and 66 percent of Cruz’s. On the other hand, only 4 percent of Carson’s and 7 percent of Trump’s statements were ruled “mostly true” (none of their statements were ruled “true”). This incredible degree of dishonesty shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been following the campaign season; indeed, by now it is clear that the more deceitful these candidates become, and the more they get called out for this deception, the more enthusiastic their supporters grow. "



dan muray said...

sure are swallowing the kool aid----and the left does not lie? I may not agree with all of the stances but at least they are not Washington insiders and boring old vanilla socialists---keep out of my American politics---you do not get a vote--eh? Dan from Florida

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Bad week to tell me what to do on my blog. I have eyes that see this buffoon and if you don't then I feel sorry for you. What can I do anyways but express my disgust for this Trump who has neither the brains nor the temperament for the job. And if you support him then neither do you. He will not lift you up. He only cares about supporting your hate. And I can vote many times in your election with my Planned Parenthood and Black Panther brothers.