Monday, December 21, 2015

Troll Mail Again

This was the comment I made tonight after watching the SOUND OF MUSIC sing-a-long version. It was great as always except for that scene with that freakin' puppet show. I have talked about it many times. I just hate it. I don't believe it. I can believe that this family crossed the Alps into Switzerland to escape the Nazis but I WILL NOT BELIEVE that an ex-nun and six children put on a Broadway level puppet spectacular in only a week or less. I know there are 7 Von Trapp children but that Gretle is USELESS so I never count her. She almost got her whole family caught by the Nazis.

So this time of year I get to rant and bitch and find knew things to DISBELIEVE about this stupid part of a beloved movie. I know all the words to all the songs and I sing them like and angel...but I do NOT forgive that puppet show. Everyone knows this about me. It's one of the things I just can't let go of and bring it up in therapy. Not often but I have as an example of how people just don't understand me.

Yes, he gives me the same look you are giving me now. So I talked Sound of Music tonight and this was one person's response followed by my reply.

Sound of Music - your insane puppet show continues to amuse, annoy and frighten me yearly. I can believe everything that happened in that film to be true to life EXCEPT that puppet show. NO WAY NO HOW could you ever duplicate that production in only a week with one ex nun and 6 pre-war Austrian children. I exclude Gretle because she's useless and almost got her whole family caught by the Nazis.

It's just a fucking movie! The point wasn't the puppet show but the story of the family's escape from the Nazis! LrLet it go or you are going to have a stroke some day just for getting your bowels in an uproar over the small shit that was then into an otherwise good movie to provide a bit of humor!

You miss my point exactly again. It annoys me and always have. I can't help it. I think it's a funny little story how one scene in one of my personally favorite movies is so out of place. IT CAN'T BE DONE. Escaping from the Nazis by crossing the Alps CAN be done. I choose this ONE thing to go nuts about every year. People around me enjoy seeing me lose it and I still lose it with the passion of a man half my age....and I bitched about it since I was a pre-teen. Don't spoil this for me, again by not getting the joke. Let me have my little rant.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Everybody's gotta bitch about something!