Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What Should Have Been


j-swin said...

Yeah, I sometimes think if buckaroo had been filmed 10 yeasts later it could have taken off with sequels but then we wouldn't have had the awesome cast.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It was lighting in a bottle wasn't it?

Professor Chaos said...

Wait, were there actually plans for a Buckaroo Banzai sequel? How were we robbed of this?

Of course, without John Lithgow, Christopher Lloyd and Vincent Schiavelli it would lose a lot.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I want to do more research to see if it was really made but at the end of the film they mention to return for the sequel with this same name. So where it went from that I never know. Maybe the producers were just messing with us or if they had plans to do another movie. They should have struck while the CULT iron was hot after video sales made this movie a classic.