Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Images Of Rey



Jordan said...

All of those are great! Even the one that weirdly combines her with Furiosa.

I'm just loving all this Rey stuff! (Along with Finn, Poe etc., but especially Rey.) After all that nonsense with the Prequel characters it's such a blessed relief to have fresh, new Star Wars characters that everyone immediately loves.

I can't wait to see what the four young main characters are like in Episode VIII.

Jordan said...

I was hoping for a culmination of a Rey/Finn romance, but maybe that will happen next time. (In the Star Wars tradition, everyone will have a whole new look; new clothes, hair etc.)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have taking a liking to her as well. So much so that I collect the images I find for posts like this. I am glad the toy companies got a spanking for underestimating her appeal to both boys and girls.

Jordan said...

Yeah, didn't they issue a statement and promise to put out a new version of Monopoly that includes her?