Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sometimes If You Are Really Good, The Comedy Gods Deliver

Damn, I have missed this retard.

Surely, Trump had to pay her to be there. Palin may be many things, but she knows how to grift for some cash. She probably didn’t even go to Cruz and jumped right to the billionaire so she could support the drug and alcohol habits of her brood of inbred beasts. Surely, Trump regretted it as soon as he realized he would have to stand there for however long Palin was going to have to blather on before she finally crashed and needed another hit of Klonopin or Vicodin or whatever takes the edge off her mania […] Don’t pity Trump here. Laugh at him for thinking that he was getting a loyal dog when what he really bought was a rabid wolverine.

This is some loopy ass stream of consciousness. If I ever need someone to speak up for me don't ever let me hire Palin.


Professor Chaos said...

Love the look Trump gives her during the word-salad, like oh, fuck what have I done?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I saw that same look on McCain's face. How out of touch and clueless can this numnut be? Boy has he misread the electorate.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Seriously. Honey Boo Boo is a better choice for an endorsement.

DrGoat said...

What a sad state of affairs this country is in.