Sunday, June 12, 2016

Art of Mark Bryan

At first I didn't want to waste paint and canvas on the "Trump" But in the end I just had to. This is the "Trump-O-Matic" machine that he uses to gin up the crowd. Of course behind all this, he's just a sad baby man obsessed with himself. Please share this if you are inclined.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

His latest bald-faced lie is that he "will make America safe again."

DrGoat said...

It's gone beyond crazy down here. Evidently there's a lot
of people in America that are willfully ignorant. Guess it's
easier than actually having to think. Sad and pathetic.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Some people just want to watch the world burn. He will do it just for the amusement.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Did you hear the latest? Trump is insinuating that President Obama is somehow implicated in all this -- either by secretly being a Muslim, or conspiring with terrorism, or deliberately being soft on Islam or some such nonsense (it's not clear). It really is outrageously beyond the pale, even for Trump.

DrGoat said...

There isn't much that is beyond the pale for a bully.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He would wet his diaper if he had to deal with any real problems and his style causes a blowback so serious that it can't be fixed. Watch the trailer for the Last Ship and tell me how Trump would handle the Chinese in real life.