Saturday, August 13, 2016

They Are As We Made Them

If I had kids they would be Millennials. How would I react to them? I would probably never want them to leave home. If you know any, do they get a bad rap, these special little snowflakes?



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've worked with a few. Some deserve the bad rap, others don't. But I know lots of other boomer professionals who do nothing but bitch about how millennials want THEIR jobs, THEIR clients, THEIR income level, RIGHT NOW without putting in any of the time or hard work to climb the ladder. So there's probably truth on both sides -- some boomers can be curmudgeons and some millennials can feel entitled.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

So basically the same thing every generation says about their youth.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


DrGoat said...

Second that. I'm a boomer and fall prey to being a curmudgeon occasionally. But I try to keep a realistic perspective. The way of the world, as it were matey.