Monday, September 11, 2017

Of COURSE Stan Wants Leo To Play Him In The Movie

I want Leo to play me in the movie of my life as well. Leo is dreamy. But we all can see from these images that there is only one man to play 'The Man' out there.




jester59388 said...

If not Cranston, then Marc Maron, who played the director in GLOW on Netflix. First time I saw him I said, that guy would make a GREAT Stan Lee. That only became cemented as I watched the show through the season. It was like a What If? issue: "What if Stan Lee worked for the WWWF instead of Marvel?" It would be classic.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

There would be a lot more wrestlers with capes. I know that.

jester59388 said...

And the scripting would have been much better!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It would be epic. Hulk vs Thing for Championship Belt.