Sunday, October 15, 2017

Written For Reasons

I have no problem that the best ones live in Narnia. Once that White Queen is taken out I hear it's fantastic to live and set up a small business there. But I can't call any of them because they really only exist as virtual humans. It's easy to get attached to people that respond to you and what you post with positivity and good humor. But they are not real friends, are they? One EMP and they are gone forever.

I am a foolish old man who places too much value on foolsih things that never ever were foolish to me to begin with. I always got to love what I loved without apology beause I resented anyone ever telling me that what I thought was wrong just because they didn't agree with me. After all, I am the smartest boy in the room and YES it's a terrible thing.



j-swin said...

Your worth is more than just the people you interact with, brother. But if you feel isolated then you need to reach out. Join a local social club, become a mentor in a youth organization or just strike up a conversation at a coffee shop (they sell Pepsi there too) but keep it casual. Not every relationship has to be some deep soul bond. The point is no one ever made friends by sitting alone in their home.

I'm honored to be one of your loyal followers and brother in arms against the evil cephalopods but if you crave face to face interaction then you need to make the first move.

Keep your head up, people are nicer than you think. You are worthy of friendship you just have to be ready for it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cal, be thankful you live in the age of the internet! Just think if you didn't!