Friday, April 6, 2018

This Kid Has A Future As A Caption Writer

When you’re a gay lion and you accidentally tried to introduce your lesbian lioness friend to one of her own exes at a gay bar and she goes into the bathroom and bitches you out for not being able to tell her endlessly rotating cast of girlfriends apart which isn’t really fair because first of all they all keep dyeing their hair different colors and second of all she keeps getting back together with different ones at different times and meanwhile you’ve been “single” for like 8 months but are spending a lot of time with one specific guy who works at your old co-op and were going to excitedly tell her about it tonight but now you’ve ruined the whole subject of dating by trying to introduce her to her own ex at a gay bar (which is a watering hole. because you’re lions.) 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Like they say, "there's no drama like dyke drama!"

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Who says that. Oh right, other dykes.

j-swin said...

I think you mean “women in comfortable shoes”.