Saturday, September 8, 2018

More Of You Church Scamps And Your Restorations

Members of the religious community in the municipality of Soledad, Colombia, have been voicing their dissatisfaction with the results of restoration work that left a statue of San Antonio de Padua looking “like a homosexual”. The wooden statue of San Antonio de Padua, patron of Soledad, dated from the 17th century and was located din the town’s main church. It had recently been badly damaged by termites, so the church commissioned an artist to have it fixed and repainted.

Unfortunately, the results of the restoration didn’t please parishioners, many of whom took to social media to complain that the statue looked too effeminate. Some even called it “a saint of modern times, a transexual saint”, because of all the makeup applied by the artist.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hell, he doesn't look butch even without the makeup.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know. That is the conciet of the piece and the protesters. It was pretty damn gay to being with. This is just a night out for this statue.