Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Go Stephen Go

Blast that hump.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

He's at the top of his form!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

He looks so pathetic, that idiot trump, by claiming things that only are true in his tiny little brain. He's a dangerous lunatic who would toss migrant children into a tiger pit if her could. Why can't someone take him out or push him down a staircase or let him wander too close to the tiger pit. Even the guys who protect him he gives stupid and demeaning nicknames too and he thinks it's cute. I would slap the shit out of him and claim he fell and hit his head on the bathroom sink.

jester59388 said...

The fact that NO ONE in the Secret Service told him about that toilet paper stuck to his shoe says it all. They think he's a fucktard and are rolling their eyes or laughing at him behind his back. I don't think any of them would truly take a bullet for him. They are just hoping no one tries so they don't have to explain why they jumped out of the way.

So what's next? Is Trump going to blame Obama for the fact that Trump has a dick so ugly and malformed even a pornstar thought it was weird looking?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I bet if they just found some random black dick and TOLD him it was Obama's trump would lose his mind. Then let him find one the same size as a dildo and leave it lying around Milania's room for him to find it. I have lot of black dildo pranks to pull on him.

Margaret Benbow said...

Cal, you are cruel. It's so brutal to call Orange Bloat mean names just because he wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on the butt. There are kinder ways to think of him. His great mind ranges among the stars, he is above the petty "reality" of us little people. What you, in your crude incomprehension, call his Lies, are actually...his Poems!!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Girl...that is crazy talk.