Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Headlines This Week

Too late. The Genie is out of the ass wiping bottle.

I have no problem with these.
Gentile tea parties are for wimps.

This is my dream society.
No meeting, no socializing, no bad conversations.

I am not getting fooled by this huckster again.
His penis enlargement gel was a big letdown.

It's a good look.
No make-up necessary and you don't have to comb your hair.

Karma? Poetic Justice? Irony?
All of it is pretty sweet though.
Dumbass ended a whole season being a dumbass.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think you mean "genteel" not "gentile." Or are you saying non-Jewish tea parties are for wimps, but Jewish tea parties are the real deal? Oy vey.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh, I finally had to express my love for the Jewish tea parties. You would know if you survived one.