Sunday, January 17, 2010

OMG That Is A Fine Looking Woman

I don't usually watch award shows but if they have to serve some function its for bringing out women like THIS (Christina Hendricks) for all of us to enjoy in all their magnificent glory. Every generation or so someone shows up that becomes the new standard of 'WOW' for me. Ms. Hendricks, you have won that current contest.


Colin Lorimer said...

Good God!

Matt said...

She. Is. Perfect.

Leviathud said...

Why is she not cast as Barbarella in the remake?! Or Red Sonja? or my mistress? (Do you have to be married to have a mistress? I hope not)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

To be your mistress she would have to stop being my mistress and that would just be silly. She knows what side her bread is buttered on if you know what I mean.

Leviathud said...

Oh Cal, you're so silly. Your 'mistress' is obviously not the real Christina. I thought the tentacles would have been a dead give away to you of all people. Octopie... they're in there.

Siskoid said...

I don't watch Mad Men, but I do remember being stunned by her appearance as Saffron in Firefly.

JeffScape said...

Wasn't she on Life?