Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Um...I was someone falls asleep with ketchup on their forehead...what ketchup on your forehead? no no don't touch it...I have no idea where it came from...ketchup packs?...oh THESE ketchup packs...I have no idea how they got stuck to my fur...ask the dog...damn dog...what are you saying?...that I was trying to see what you would taste like with the addition of condiments?...that's're the only one who can work that can opener...I NEED you know what?...that dog has been really acting squirrely lately...have you noticed? I wouldn't take my eyes off him if I were you...tell you just close your eyes and I will get this sauce cleaned up and we can forget we ever had this conversation...okay...buddy...ol' pal...amiright?

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