Friday, March 12, 2010

Creative Blogger Award

I was hoping I would get this one from Drake at Electric Banana but one never wants to ask. So now as per the rules that keep the karma of the universe from turning against me I send this off to 7 others. This time I am going with people I have not awarded anything to in the past so please don't be offended if I missed you.

T.S. at the Non-Review
Pearl at Pearl, why you little...
Patrick at Patrick Tillet - Extremely Overdue
Margret Benbow at Margret Benbow
Amy and Cory at Listophelia
FilmFather at FilmFather - Movie Reviews For Dad's
Becca at Becca's Art

Now the obligatory five facts about me.

1. I have written four graphic novels because I had to release the stories from my brain. One day someone will illustrate them for me and they will be published.
2. A guy gets so lonely that sometimes he gets sick from it.
3. I have Bachelor's degrees in both Classics and Education.
4. I hate trimming the nails on my little toes so much that I would let a rabid wolverine chew them off (both toe and nail). They just bend the wrong way. It's circus like freaky.
5. I self diagnose but never self-medicate except with cherry candies.


TS Hendrik said...

That is one sweet looking award. Thanks man.

Why not turn the graphic novels into straight out novels? Then when they dominate, get someone to illustrate the graphic versions.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I would have to expand them alot since they are half dialogue and half scene descriptions for the artist to illustrate. I have thought about that though. Or just do a straight series of short stories that tie together a larger tale.

Wings1295 said...

Well deserved!

Pat Tillett said...

First off, let me say you are on fire! So many great posts, in such a short period of time. I bow to your creativeness. Would you happen to have any methaerine left for purchase?

Secondly, thank you so very much! To be considered "creative" by someone such as yourself, is truly an honor...Now what was the current exchange rate?

Seriously, thanks so much!!!!!!

vancouver mark said...

Less self-medicatiom with the candy cherries, more marijuana, you'll be okay . . .

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Bro, if I could find some marijuana I would be twisting one up right now. Lost my connections in the past number of years but I a PRO the sweet weed.

vancouver mark said...

See, this is why God invented vancouver.

FilmFather said...

Thanks for the props, Cal! You are quite creative as well.

I have an outline and a coupla chapters written for my own novel, though lately I've been wondering if I want to go the graphic novel route. After reading Grant Morrison's WE3, I can definitely see my story benefiting from graphic visuals...all I need to do is find the right illustrator (sound familiar?).

Margaret Benbow said...

This is so fine. I heart awards! And especially from the Cave of Coolness. Thank you so much, Cal.