Sunday, March 21, 2010

Super Terrrific Killer Meme


1. Are you single? No one ever loved me that much, so no.

2. Are you happy? I should be right? Actually I am. Even if you have alot you always want something you don't have.

3. Are you bored? No, cause I am blogging and watching some 'Lock-up' show on computer.

4. Are you naked? What kind of freak blogs naked?

5. Are you a blond? No - I am a mighty Viking redhead.

6. Are you moody? I can be when I am a diva.

7. Are you a lover/hater? I hate to love and love to hate.

8. Are you hot/cold? Totally depends on the situation. But usually it is harder for me to get cool than to get warm. I hate the heat and love the cold.

9. Are you Irish? Not unless my real Gypsy parents were Irish.

10. Are you Asian? No, I drive better. (sorry)


1. Name: Calvin

2. Nicknames: Mr. H, Big Daddy

3. Birth mark: none

4. Hair color: Viking red but getting whiter daily

5. Natural hair color: same

6. Eye color: Blue

7. Height: 5' 10'

8. Facebook Mood: I only visit Facebook occasionally.

9. Favorite color: Crimson

10. One Place to Visit: Austria


1. Do you believe in love at first sight? Happens to me everyday.

2. Do you believe in soul mates? If she can tolerate me for ten minutes she has to be a soulmate. I had a soul mate who I knew from when we were babies together and that didn't work out so I am kinda bitter on the whole soul mate idea.

4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? Daily

5. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Never

6. Have you ever been cheated on? Sadly, yes.

7. Have you ever liked someone and not told them? Daily

8. Are you afraid of commitment? I am afraid of letting someone else down so that is not a fear of commitment it's a fear of failure.

9. Who was the last person you hugged? The cat.

10. Who was the last person you kissed? The cat (What? He tasted like pepperoni)


1. Love or lust? I do fine with both. An even combination of both would be just right.

3. Cats or dogs? You are kidding right? Cat's are the finest creatures on the planet. It's not easy to get their love or respect. Dogs just give it up to easily to everyone they ever meet. Hard to respect that. Dogs are too needy also. Though I would love to have a little pug. I like the way they look like they are always laughing at me.

4. A few best friends or many regular friends? I have very few 'acquaintances' right now. I have been off the grid for several years now and my isolation is really self imposed. I wish I could hang with some of the cool people I have met through my blog.

5. Television or Internet? Internet. I have grown to hate commercials on regular TV since I watch most everything on the computer which is commercial free.

6. Chinese Or Indian? Chinese. Lemon + Chicken? Who knew if would be so good.

7. Wild night out or romantic night in? Being out is always so overrated. The Cave of Cool has everything I need to create a good time.

8. Money or Happiness? Money. Money to maintain my misery.

9. Night or day? Night. The Sun is evil.

10. MSN or phone? neither. I hate the phone.


1. Been caught sneaking out? Neither, since I was a ninja back in the day

2. Been skinny dipping? In my youth. In my youth.

3. Stolen? I prefer the term, borrowed permanently

4. Bungee jumped? Never will.

5. Lied to someone you liked? Of course. It's why she no longer likes me. Thats a lesson for you kids out there.

6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? Once, but I wanted to crunch it near the end SOOOOOOO badly.

8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back? Done is DONE.

9. Cried because you lost a pet? Each and every time. Its the worse thing I can imagine next to the death of a parent.

10. Wanted to disappear? I successfully am doing that right now.


1. Smile or eyes? Smile and laugh. Cory had a laugh that was like music and since I am a funny guy you can imagine the joy it was being around her.

2. Light or dark hair? They can dye it anyway they like.

3. Hugs or kisses? Hugs seem obligatory, kisses are commitment.

4. Shorter or taller? Don't care.

5. Intelligence or attraction? Smart is always attractive. Beauty fades but sense of humor is forever.

6. Romantic or spontaneous? Same side of the coin.

7. Funny or serious? Funny - the funny is a gift and critical to survival

8. Older or Younger? No matter

9. Outgoing or quiet? I would like someone that is the opposite of myself. When I am outgoing she can be quiet and when she is outgoing I can be quiet.

10. Sweet or Bad Ass? Both, often at the same time.


1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd? Many many times. I am Master Thespian after all.

2. Ever done drugs? Yes, but nothing too hard.

3. Ever been pregnant? Yes, of course. DUH

5. Ever been on a cheer leading team? No, but I watched one with longing.

6. Ever Been on a dance team? I should have been. I could have been a DANCER. I could have been a SHUMKA (Ukrainian Folk) dancer but my mother didn't love me enough.

7. Ever been on a sports team? Many times in my youth

8. Ever been in a drama play/production? Many many times

9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? Nope, I had better cars like a VW Beetle and '77 Gran Torino.

10. Ever been in a rap video? It's not a real musical form is it? Play your own damn instruments and stop dressing alike. It IS poetry though but not when you ask me to 'put your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care'.


1. Last phone call you made: For Pizza, the only thing the phone is good for.

2. Last person you hung out with: The kid that delivered the pizza.

4. Last time you worked: 3 years ago. Blogging is not work.

5. Last person you tackled: Brian Ferguson - during the University chariot races, he got in the way of our chariot so I had to bring him down and down hard. You don't mess with the Yamadachoome chariot.

6. Last person you IM’d: Lisa. UGH!

8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with: Myself - Avatar in 3-D. Ugh!

9. Last thing you missed: My silver Batman symbol ring. Can't find it anywhere.

10. Last thing you ate: Left over Pizza.


Megan said...

I was gonna do this one when I saw it over to Frog's place, but I think I done it before.

(Note to self: Go red next time.)

Wings1295 said...

To quote Mrs. Geller: That's a lot of information to take in at one time.

Powdered Toast Man said...

my cat always tastes like pepperoni, it's weird.

vancouver mark said...

He tastes his cat, and then accuses the animal of being weird?