Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Following That Last One Is Just Good Groin Care


Hobgoblin238 said...

Being that we are not under the Mosaic law anymore....Most of the things on the blackboard are not relevant anymore. He would know that IF he only studied the bible.

vancouver mark said...

I was about to make the same comment as match has made. All but one of these prohibitions are from the earliest books of the Hebrews. Only the no cursing rule is from the New Testament.
That being said, I do avoid pork and shellfish, and am glad I do so. Here in Vancouver in the 1990s anyone who ate pork products had a real possibility of eating recycled dead prostitutes thanks to the infamous Picton feeding their corpses to his pigs (and then selling the ham etc to stores.)
And to me, shellfish are just basically giant insects that rummage around the ocean bottom eating carrion. Yum.

Nathan said...

If we're no longer under the Mosaic law, why are so many conservative Christians eager to quote the stuff in the Torah about not being gay?