Friday, May 21, 2010

Lost Retraction

New commenter JBond passed the bottom link onto me. The author of this article argues against needing every mystery of 'Lost' to be spoon fed to us viewers. I get what he is saying and it helped me let go of my disappointments with the show.

I admit that I NEED to know the answer to every little thing - that is just the way my mind works. However, after reading this article I am able to let things go and just enjoy what I loved about 'Lost' in the first place - the characters and their development.

That is something I overlooked in all my analysis. Character was one element of the show that I was NEVER shortchanged on. All my favorite shows have awesome characters and character arcs. 'Fringe', 'Burn Notice', 'Star Trek DS9', 'NCIS' all brought me back each week to see what was going to happen to my favorite people. I realize now that the mysteries were always less important my enjoyment of the show than the chance to see what was going to happen to Hurley and Locke and Ben and the rest of the castaways. The mysteries were icing on an already iced cupcake. Take that all aways and you still have the best damn version of 'Gilligan's Island' ever. (At least the 'Lost' castaways built a damn boat!)

So Sunday will come and Sunday will go. I think I will miss this little show more than I realize. It made everything about the past five months just a little better in my life. That should be and is enough reward for me.

But can you please solve a few mysteries for me? Just to reward my new enlightened attitude.


Wings1295 said...

Really, it is the only way to watch a show like this. Just let go and enjoy the ride.

California Keys said...

I'm just hoping that they're not going to end the show like the Soprano's did.... I want a concrete ending.... I don't need all the answers, but I need some of them....

I need something concrete....

baygirl32 said...

As much as I would like anwsers, I agree that the ending needs to be firm.

1 more sleep. 1 more sleep

Jason said...

Lost is Cancer to Television

For six years LOST has had me more confused than Paula Abdul at a physics lecture. Really, LOST, Really? A parallel reality, really? I saw it the first time when it was called SLIDING DOORS. Yeah, I just called you out for ripping off a Gwyneth Paltrow movie from 1998! This whole last season has been nothing but a disappointment. Yes the Jacob/Man in Black was a compelling story-line, but could you please tell me what that has to do with the last five seasons? Good writing demands that these two integral characters must be introduced in the first act of the story, but good writing was never your strong suit. Instead we have to be content with the fact that it happened on the island so it is vaguely kind of related to a story line similar to the one that I have literally devoted six years of my attention to. The "Adam and Eve" skeletons are the man and black and his mother? You know what would have been more interesting? More>>>

Mike D. said...

Thanks alot for acknowledging my good friend and collaborator at jbond. The boy writes a mean ass Lost Recap and always has some sage words of advice to bring my cynical ass back to the right way of thinking when it comes to Lost. I read your column almost everyday, and it was EVEN COOLER to see you print a retraction of your previous story and take a different viewpoint on Lost. You are a the man when it comes to cool ass blogs... you did not have to do that, but you had a change of heart... so you shared that with your readers. And thats what makes this blog even cooler. I have featured you in my blogroll/list of blogs people should read on my blog, I am even prouder to do so know that you have shown even someone I look up to could have a change of heart. Keep the cool posts coming dude...