Monday, May 3, 2010

Real Life Spider-Man Foils Criminal

I love stories like this. By Tom Pinchuk

"Heh… so how did your Free Comic Book Day go?

Me, myself… I had a great time seeing friends and colleagues at the signings Meltdown Comics and Golden Apple Comics were hosting for FCBD. Meltdown had a sing-a-long with Red Fraggle, herself, and Golden Apple had some great, free food, a DJ spinning disco versions of the STAR WARS themes and a moonwalk that I was, sadly, too big to go jumping around in. As awesome as all of that was, I wonder if it might be all outdone by seeing Spider-Man foil a crime in real life like he did at the Adelaide Comics Centre in Australia.

Basically, the store’s staff was cosplaying for the event, so you had Jedi Knights and the Flash walking around along with Spidey (who was the store’s owner in disguise). The live-action crime fighting happened when Spidey saw some goon trying to shoplift an X-MEN omnibus (which retailed for 160 Australian dollars. I don’t know how much that is in USD, but let’s say it’s a fortune.) At that point, I really want to say that Spidey dealt a powerful spider-powered cross to the guy’s jaw before webbing him to the ceiling but, alas, violence wasn’t the answer that day. Instead, the aforementioned Jedi Knights blocked the entrance while the Flash kept the store running (pun intended) until the mall’s cops arrived.

So, it’s kind of like when Dog the bounty hunters takes dangerous perps down by saying “Come on, man, just give up”… but it’s still pretty wild. The store’s resident Spidey, Michael Baulderstone, has gotten a flurry of congratulatory calls and become something of an internet celebrity. In true KICK-ASS fashion, the video of his confrontation with the shoplifter is available for all to witness online."

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