Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Reeds (2009)

I hate horror movies that begin with a group of friends leaving the safety of the big city for some isolated cabin or boathouse in the woods. I know not to get too attached to any of them because before long the males will be dead and the girls will be showing that they are tougher than they realize. (Spoilers Ahead)

The story begins with six friends renting a boat for the weekend. Unfortunately the boat they rented was damaged so they have to take another boat, one already occupied by a group of teenage punks who leave without a word. So off the friends go on their weekend jaunt.

While looking for a place to tie up for the night they follow another boat deep into the reeds and pass the ubiquitous 'NO ENTRY' sign. Oh boy...not good.

Rule Number One - never leave the boat or you will get lost in the reeds and you will die.

Rule Number Two - don't alienate the other members of your party lest they wander off into the reeds and die.

There are scenes of isolation, especially when things get dangerous, that really freaked me out. I never want to be anywhere so remote that I have to SWIM for help or walk through an environment where everything looks the same in every direction.

Rule Number Three - The English countryside is messed up. Don't ever visit there or interact with the locals lest you die.

Rule Number Four - If you see a skeleton floating in the water - LEAVE IT THERE or you know...

Rule Number Five - Don't fire a flare gun inside the cabin of the boat lest you ignite the propane tanks. Just saying.

There is a 'surprise' ending that doesn't exactly come out of left field. I think I am in love with Anna Brewster, the actress that plays Laura (above with the shotgun). That kid was allllllright.


Wings1295 said...

Never even heard of this one!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's a British thriller. Freaked me out a bit.