Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BB Update

Seems like today was another day for John James to be a dick. The good looking surfer boy Australian seems to be quite thinned skinned when being playfully teased by others. Instead of just going with the joke he instantly takes rude offence and uses his headache as excuse to get nasty and personal.

I am staring to think that he didn't just hate Rachel (who was a target of his abuse the first week) but hates all women. He thinks that being a prick will make them like him but in this house (full of many strong lionesses) the opposite thing is occurring.

I would warn him not to rile up a group of strong women. Hell, don't wind up any women especially a group of Jr high school girls. I have seen where a whole group of them use their power to combine into one fearsome creature if a male threatened just one of them. Then they get vicious.

Males fight or wrestle to get over disagreements with each other. Girls go right for the heart and the insecurities en masse in they hate someone. Like Ellen on Seinfeld said when Jerry asked her what the female equivalent of the male 'wedgie' was - "We just tease someone till they develop an eating disorder."

These BB women have chosen to just ignore him which is the WORST thing you can do to him. He thrives on the fight and the arguments. To take away his gun and empty it of it's bullets he can do nothing but flap in the wind. When he angrily explains to any allies he might have left how he has been wrong they get tired of his BS also.

Now John James (who I would call JJ in the house because he really hates that) broke down in tears and now wants to go home. Josie had to treat him like a toddler and reassure him that everything is okay you poor baby.

That is two in one day that asked BB to go home. Good Job Big Brother. Sometimes when I think you have lost your ability to caste a show for maximum conflict you surprise me and show me that you picked these people for a reason.

Oh and well played ladies.


Anonymous said...

Calvin, I know you want to converse with people about this show - have you looked at the DigitalSpy forum? It has its own dedicated Big Brother section. You might enjoy the discourse there...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks. I might just do that.