Sunday, October 10, 2010

Boring Legos Set Put To Better Use

I can barely stand it.


Dan said...

Those are COOL!

Kal said...

They are the projects of the devil...THE DEVIL I TELLS YA!!!!

Pat Tillett said...

very creative. I'd have trouble making the model it's supposed to be!

M. D. Jackson said...

You know my friends and I used to make outrageous constructions out of good old regular lego (We were of drinking age then and we did a lot of that while we were coinstructing) Our vehicles never looked that amazing which is just as well because the whole purpose was to conduct a lego smash-up derby on the kitchen floor. Lego pieces flew everywhere and the last lego vehicle still able to roll at the end of the evening was declared champion.

By that time none of us could remember who had built what, but it was still fun.