Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Beauty and Class From People's Choice Awards


Baby Sister said...

Somehow I knew you would post about her from tonight. :)

Kal said...

She's my best girl.

Mike D. said...

Glad she won... but how the hell did "Nightmare on Elm Street" win the 1st ever horror award??? WTF... they should ahve just left that category out!

Kal said...

Well that is what happens when you leave the choices up to 'people'. Sometimes they get it right (like with Selena - she really works hard at her music - it's not a celebrity vanity project) and sometimes they drop the ball big time. The new 'Nightmare' was nothing compared to the original and not the best horror movie last year. For my money (and I don't really like Horror movies) 'Drag Me To Hell' had everything I needed in a chiller.