Thursday, July 21, 2011

Posters Don't Always Tell The Truth

I have a huge problem with this poster. After 30 yrs it's perfectly fine to highlight the Millenium Falcon and Luke's X-Wing fighter as they play a huge part in getting characters to where they needed to be to advance the great story.

However, what the hell did numnut Boba Fett do except stand around until Han was ready to be stored in the hull of his ship for the trip back to Jabba? Then he has his one big moment in three movies when he finnaly uses his rocket back and then basically gets himself launched into the Sarlak pit to be dissolved in the creature's belly for a thousand years.

So someone explain to me why Boba Fett got the fearsome reputation that he did? Is it just because of the cool outfit he wears? If it is then it's not enough. I am just staying that in the Star Wars movies, you have to be a badass like Count Dooku to get my respect.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I used to follow this blog of a crazy woman whose sexual fantasy man was Boba Fett. Key words: "used to."

Kal said...

But she doesn't know what he looks like under his helmet. He could have been an alien with tentacles for lips which to me is a dealbreaker.

Budd said...

I think a key part are the three words you left out after stands around. Those three words are "and looks cool." That is really the only reason he is popular.

Kelly Sedinger said...

He's also willing in TESB to not back down from Darth Vader. That's about it, though. I wish his demise had been a bit less "accidental". I had no problem with his jet pack sending him into the Sarlacc, but having it do so because Han just whacked the switch accidentally? Come on!

(However, when I first saw ROTJ in the theater in 1983, second day of release, that moment got a huge cheer/laugh.)

Belle said...

I agree with you about the poster. Why should he be the prominent figure? Strange and stupid.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I believe it's an action figure issue. It became an object of desire and a legend (google the Galactica firing missile incident).
Not my favorite character, and less favorite since uncle Lucas inserted it massively in the Special Editions.
Always remember Han shot first, brother Cal.

D.I. Felipe González said...

I believe it's an action figure issue. It became an object of desire and a legend (google the Galactica firing missile incident).
Not my favorite character, and less favorite since uncle Lucas inserted it massively in the Special Editions.
Always remember Han shot first, brother Cal.

Kal said...

Of course Han shot first. Nothing makes sense if Han didn't shoot first. Now rewritting history and saying anything else is heresy - like Speilberg did with ET and the digitally changing of the handguns in the hands of the government agents to cell phones. Another reason I will never see ET.