Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Supposin' He Had A Pointed Stick."

It's not that I am upset that you think that yu can fight those giant killer worms with a stick. Maybe you can. My complaint is that you didn't pick up a BIGGER stick. I mean, come ON man. Give yourself a chance will ya? If not, then run away and take the girl with you if you can. I have no doubt you will fail to exploit this situation to your benefit...if I can judge by your crisis thinking skills and your choice of weapon.

What? It's real to me.


M. D. Jackson said...

That stick isn't even pointed!

The artwork for the poster was painted by the legendary Tim Hildebrandt, by the way. You'd think he'd have more sense when it came to depicting folks brandishing sticks at foul creatures

Belle said...

It is a silly weapon against those teeth.

Kyna said...

They look like angry 50ft tall penises with teeth.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Why did I know you would see that Kyna? Love the new profile pic too btw.

Kyna said...

Freud could have dedicated his entire career to me.

Thanks! :)