Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who Does Cal Read?

There are a number of people who get a visit from me the moment they put up something new at their blogs. Their sense of taste and style or the way that they express themselves is a huge lure for me. One of my very favorite is Samurai Frog over at Electronic Cerebrectomy.

I get my point across with a lot of shiny bells and whistles but EC is the real deal. Today he wrote about a scheme in Alabama that, if allowed to progress the way it's intended, will turn slaves out of millions of Latinos.

This is another bullshit racist proposal but one that has people running scared - even legal immigrants. The bullshit hypocrisy that separates 'illegals' from those that exploit them is a black stain on a country that already has 'issues' with people of color.

But don't listen to me, go over to read what Samurai Frog had to say on the issue. He put it in terms I could understand. He connected the dots. He enraged me and made me think. His stuff is not the rantings of a lunatic. This is a man who shakes his head for his country and wishes for better days. That gives his work passion and I will champion that kind of effort every chance I get.

I feel your pain, my brother. You should know that by giving voice to your rage that you give a lot of us the resolve to fight for the side that is right. It's not so little or so unimportant a thing to have like minded humans around to remind me what real humanity is about.

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