Thursday, April 12, 2012

More of My Medical Odyssey

Well I am officially a miracle of medical science. I have many many people staking their medical futures and reputations on how much weight I lose and how much better my life becomes (complete with my Slavic mail order bride). I am truly the centre of these medical professionals lives. They keep mentioning family members that I should call. I hope that means many invites to summer bbqs by ladies with low self-esteem.

So now they say the anti-depressant that makes me happy also is keeping my fat. Let's just hope that the switchover to the non-fatten thing PRISTIQ - which I got free samples to try - will help me get over the weight gaining properties of Paxil. I love love to be a test monkey.

More of My Medical Odyssey soon. Pray for me and when I become a GOD I will forgive you and all your sins.


karensomethingorother said...

Oh! OH! OH! I have a family member who is addicted to Paxil! Good luck trying to get off that demon drug. No, I don't mean GOOD LUCK to you specifically, because that sounded really bitchy. I meant, good luck to all the poor souls who are on it, but don't want to be.

You know, I'm pretty tired. Just scratch most of that.

Belle said...

I'm on Citalopram and it is great. Zoloft made me gain weight. I hope this new pill will do you a lot of good. Isolating yourself is part of depression, which I'm sure you know. I do that myself. I hope you do reach out to family members and make friends by joining something. I will pray for you.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You best come back and talk to me. I want to be your friend...ya freak.

DrGoat said...

I'm on Lyrica (at night) pretty much for the rest of my life, due to nightime pain that comes along with some neurological thing I developed when I turned 55. Every other person who takes this stuff gains weight. Some people gain so much they have to quit taking it. Me nothing. No weight gain even though I could use about 10 lbs.
Forgiving me of all my sins might take a while, so I will pray extra hard.

M. D. Jackson said...

Yeah, I can't seem to get off the beer as a depression cure. That also causes weight gain and embarrassing behavior if I take too many.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

See, and I don't drink beer because I hate the taste. Everything I seem to enjoy is sickly sweet. I have the diet of a fruit bat..or a toddler.