Sunday, July 8, 2012

One Piece Of Russian Design That Actually Works

If you are on Gunblr, and you find this, grab a suitable beverage and pour yourself a toast to Mikhail Kalashnikov. You see 65 years ago today, his great rifle design, the AK-47, began production. Since then countless AK-47, AKM, and AK-74 variants have been created. It is estimated that somewhere between 80-100 million rifles are known to have been produced, making the AK-47 and its offspring the most prolific rifle produced in human history. Today it is still used by scores of police and militaries around the world, as well as sportsmen, hunters, collectors, shooters, freedom fighters, and terrorists.

Mr. Kalashnikov, or should I say Gen. Kalashnikov, lives in a humble apartment in Izhevsk. He has never profited from his invention, though he has received numerous awards and is considered a national hero in Russia. He is currently 92 years old.

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