Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Most Interesting Man In The World Answers Your Questions.

A. If you could get away with one murder in your lifetime without any legal, social, or emotional repercussions, would you kill someone?

Just ONE person? I would like to be a Jumper who could just appear in specific points of time to get rid of people who are real assholes like Donald Trump or Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney's Horse. But then who am I to decide the fate of these people? Won't the universe punish them for me, eventually? Isn't the greatest punishment you can give a Donald Trump is for him to REMAIN Donald Trump?
B. What is your first thought when you receive a message on Tumblr, are you excited for the idea of someone from potentially the other side of the world wanting to talk to you or fearful that someone will criticize you?
I am more excited about the contact. I am not a pretty girl so anyone who compliments me is no doubt sincere. They aren't flattering me thinking they will be able to have sex with me. It enough that people enjoy my stuff when they choose to 'like' or 'reblog' it. Just slather me with shallow flattery and I will do anything for you, even kill. I am pretty good at shooting down any criticism of me. I may take it to heart at first but there is a point when I get angry and no longer care what the haters have to say. I can defend my actions. No one knows my pain in the same way that I don't know theirs.                     
C. Have you ever looked down on someone because you thought your religious views were superior?
Only those who use religion to impose their hatred and fears upon others. When they bully those weaker than them with bullshit logic from a book of bronze age fairy tales it's hard for me to take them seriously. I understand the beauty of faith but will never be a slave to any belief system. I am happy to take the blame for my failures. I don't need a 'god' to please. Any god worth his shit would be pretty accepting to all the diversity in his world. He would hate the Bible thumpers the most.
D. Would you rather know everything the universe has to offer but in exchange lose all emotions or remain the way you are now?
Wow, that is a good one. I would make that choice because I value knowledge so highly. I want answers to those important questions. Giving up emotions is a no brainer. Handling feelings is one of the hardest things I have to do on a daily basis. It would be nice to have rid of those pain in the ass feelings.
E. If you could live and be healthy without sleeping or eating/drinking, which would you cut out of your life?
I enjoy food too much to give up the flavors and textures. Sleep is, as the French say, is 'Le Petite Mort' (the little death). I hate to sleep. I have never slept well my whole life. I have a special breathing machine now that treats my sleep apnea which I wonder how long I have had. I wonder what would have happened if I had one of these breathing devices as a kid.
F. If you could take on the exact body and form of anyone else on Earth, who would it be?
Well if I HAVE to be beautiful you can't do worse than looking like Mr. George Clooney. Now THAT is a movie star.
G. Would you rather burn or freeze to death?
I go back to the worst story I ever read - The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson. When she was freezing to death she felt warm and had wonderful dreams about being happy and fed and clean and not dying in the streets. So yeh, freezing is better but I would gladly burn to have that story excised from my memories.                                  
H. If it meant it would solve all world hunger, war, disease and bigotry, would you spend the rest of eternity in Hell?
I am JUST the kind of hero that would make the sacrifice. But the Devil will have to make it interesting for me. I am not just going to roll over and be his dancing monkey, regardless of the reward for the rest of you bastards. Besides I hear it's a dry heat in Hell and will only FEEL like an eternity.
I. Was the first crush in your life something you had or something someone had on you?
I had it on her. Actress Caroline Munro. She seemed to be in several movies at an impressionable time in my life. I am quite proud that my choice was so good and stood up over time. Jenny Aguter from Logan's Run was a close second and she is also a quality selection. I have always been very picky about what I find attractive.                                
J. Could you live without having sex ever (again) in exchange for eternal youth?
No, because once I am young and beautiful everyone would want me. That sounds like one of those stupid deals people make with the Devil everyday.
K. Have you ever watched a full length pornographic movie in one sitting?
No, only perverts and guys with four hour erections can do that. I am more of a 'scene' aficionado.                            
L. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
The Beatles only because it took me a long time to get over just how unattractive the Rolling Stones are as human beings. Video wasn't around to kill those radio starts or they would have never survived to be the rock icons they are today. 
M. If you could have the ability to manipulate matter or energy, which would you choose?
Neither - I would manipulate TIME because that is where all the mischief potential is.
N. What was the worst nightmare you ever had?
I can remember being forced to leave the house for a snow covered front yard and a giant Jack in the Box. I could hear the music as the handle turned and suddenly I am grabbed and pulled into the box by a laughing clown Jack. Then I woke up and saw THIS on the TV. It was shown often on Canadian TV when they needed to fill non-commercial time. I screamed again but didn't wake up from my nightmare - I was suddenly living it.

O. Would you rather spend one year with your one true love just to never see them again or the rest of your life with second best?
I would trade most anything to be loved.                                  
P. All the sequels/remakes/adaptations/rip-offs in movies nowadays, good or bad?
Usually bad but then I saw Dredd and was reminded that you can always be surprised by creators who find a way to do the property/character right. Hunger Games was better than we had any right to ever expect. Remember what happen to Twilight when it came to the theatres - something already crappy was made infinitely worse because now we can't 'unlearn' what we know about that franchise.
Q. Would you rather be dirt poor and emotionally fulfilled in life or be rich beyond imagination and emotionally dissatisfied?
I am already emotionally dissatisfied so I wouldn't mind having ennui AND a boat if given the choice. Money lets you choose your own kind of misery.
R. Do you have any (secret) feelings of bigotry to any group of people?
I am unrepentant in my hatred for the ignorant and the racist. I have no tolerance for people with power who use it to oppress those weaker than themselves. I have a special hatred for those who are the abusers of women and children and not their protectors.
POACHERS also really chafe my berries.

And would it kill some of you Hillbillies to pick up a book every now and then? Hell, read ONE book that isn't a celebrity bio or picture book and that would impress me.
S. Would you rather be the only person in the world that can read minds or have everyone else in the world be able to read minds except for your own?
I don't want to hear your thoughts if they are anything like mine. I know how sick we are all inside our own heads so keep your telepathy. I don't need all the noise in my head. I like the quiet in my brain.
T. If everyone in the world would automatically only know one language, which language would you choose?
English because I speak it but something more lyrical like French is always nice to listen to. 
U. If you were old enough and not in a situation where it would be inappropriate, would you sleep with one of your (past) school teachers/professors?
Oh yeh. I worked with some hot, hot grade 2 teachers. They keep their looks longer than the Kindergarten teachers do. Plus they have the best stickers when you do a REALLY good job.
V. A world without religion, good, bad, neutral?
No religion would be a nice thing to try for awhile but people will always find something to worship be it celebrity or sex or money or action figures.
W. The men's rights movement, legitimate cause or laughable, and why? 
When we have ruled this planet as long as we have it does seem laughable but I want fairness too regardless of progress. You know the people we oppressed all these centuries are just waiting to get back at the poor beleaguered white man.
X. You can eliminate one of your five senses to substantially strengthen the others, which one and would you do it?
A reduced sense of touch for improved vision is a trade I would make. But then again super taste buds would be nice too. I really do enjoy my flavors.
Y. Do looks mean anything to you? Don't lie, could you fall in love with someone you thought was ugly?
I find so many things attractive aside from physical beauty which I can't deny is important. However, a person who may be thought of as conventionally ugly can often be the most sexy because they have the most beautiful mind. It's important to me that I can't complete your sentences in my head if I love anyone. It always looks good on your application if you have red hair and a nice curvy ass/thigh combination too. I am no prize pig but I would never pretend to love someone that I didn't.
Z. Can you understand the mindset and logic used by the opposite spiritual opinion? An atheist understanding the belief in a higher power and vice versa.
I understand the comfort of faith and the certainty of faith. My mother is a religious person who can filter out the uncomfortable questions from the good she can do in the name of her God. I wish I could surrender myself to that but I would never trust a God who won't answer my questions. I feel like I am always been scammed or conned by religious leaders. Those who claim to have the answers are the ones I run from the fastest.



Wings1295 said...

Now those are deep questions and deep answers! Kudos for taking part!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your answers are always fun to read!

DrGoat said...

Thoughtful as always. And freezing to death was the right answer old bean. Never burn.