Monday, March 4, 2013


I have another round of blood tests to go through today (God bless our Canadian Socialist Paradise) and haven't had anything to eat for 16 hours. I am feeling all woozy and grumpy because of it. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I can get one of these monster burgers and blow all my calories for the day in one meal. I am due I think. I kinda wish my friend Jaime was around. I would love to go on the hunt for fast food with someone who is a connoisseur of that food group.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmm, yeah, that looks like the Heart Attack Special.

Kal said...

Beautiful, isn't it?

Belle said...

Looks fantastic and better than a Big Mac.

csmith2884 said...

Fried egg in place of that big old onion and it would be the heart-attack special. MMMM MMMM good.

Tempo said...

Now theres a proper Hamburger... None of that Maccas rubbish on your page Cal..