Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Image Blizzard










Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, how I loved the Friendly Giant, Rusty and Jerome when I was a kid!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

#2 - Phsaw! Every sensible person knows the Moon landings are fake! They built an elaborate set up on Mars, thats why it looked so real!

#9- My brother and I actually had bunk beds growing up, because my Dad had wanted them as a kid but couldn't, so he made sure we did. It was a great novelty until we got older and more independent.

#14- If not for the problems I've had with wristwatches cutting off my circulation, I would love to have a Salvador Dali watch!

#25- WOW! I've seen a number of showy dresses were I wonder how the wearer can stand the draft, but I don't even know what to call this. A severely backless dress maybe?

#28- I imagine this is a promo for some Mummy themed super heroine, with some kind of elastic, prehensile she can control with her mind or something. Needs a neat name, best I've got is "Wrapup".

Belle said...

If Supergirl's boobs were hanging a few inches lower - we'd be twins.

david_b said...

LOVELY pirate lady..

Very.. yummy.

Kal said...

So you wear the Supergirl outfit around the apartment, Belle?