Friday, May 10, 2013

What Is Your Favorite Arcade Game

I love cadet camp. But nothing was better than free time after supper. I would watch Star Trek and play Galaga until it was time for light's out. It was one of those fantastic sit down tables with a finely tuned joystick. We would have 'mug up' before bed when you could get cookies and chocolate milk. It was such a great way to end the day.


Big J said...

For me it was Galaxy force 2, the Sega Chair edition, I played it in a nearby arcade when I was in full video game geek mode it was set up like a full cockpit, on hydraulics, and full 3d! (well as 3d as most super NES games) but at the time it blew my mind, if you want more classic, I was always a Donkey Kong man myself. still got it on the 2600.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

old school Gorgar... pinball

Mow said...

I used to do the two bee hack on Galaga. Thereafter it was wholesale slaughter. It became a game of how to kill off yourself just before the counter rollover so no one coul take you off the no. 1 spot until the machine was reset.

Hobgoblin238 said...

I love Galaga too. I have it on PS2.

Captain Temerity said...

I enjoyed the hell out of Galaga (Galaxian was a piece of crap in comparison). But as much as I tossed coins blindly at things like that, Donkey Kong 3 (really? No Mario at all?), Gauntlet and so on...

It's Marble Madness that tops my list. I'd go to Meijer with a roll of quarters in my pocket and play that thing until I ran out. Which was miserably fast, unfortunately.

Unless we're talking pinball, the marbles will always own me at any arcade I walk into.

Chase March said...

Bubble Bobble

Mike D. said...

Dig Dug... by far