Friday, July 19, 2013

Behold the Power of DOOM

(Fantastic Four #57 - 1966)


j-swin said...

how great is jack kirby's art?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

It was so great that at as a tribute during high school I painstaking copied this particular picture onto a four foot tall canvas.

Kal said...

We did a huge mural like that only I had the kids use a projector and transparancies to get the characters right. I had a bunch of stills from the Animated Spider-Man series that they included with some comics in the 90s when the series first came out. I had a great Spidey Doc Oc to trace and color. Looked awesome at the end.

Simon B said...

This 4-issue FF / Doom / Silver Surfer story is one of the absolute high points of the Lee & Kirby years. I can't say the same for the lame way it was adapted in FF: Rise Of The Surfer :-(

There's a great moment in this comic where the Surfer asks Doom what his qualifications for being a ruler are. Doom replies "I? I am but a humble servant of my people!" Yeah, right!

profsafety said...

Kirby is the king!