Friday, July 19, 2013

Then And Now



D.I. Felipe González said...

Batman suffers the most from inflation. Gadgets can´t replace the spirit of a superheroe.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Man, money was worth so much more back in the Great Depression! ... wait.

I said in the Wolvernine post yesterday that I always enjoyed a history lesson, and sure enough here is another one. And here I thought I had issues with cost of living.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Man, ain't nuthin cheap for nobody.

Monc said...
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Monc said...

Where's #5???

Kal said...

Or is it #3 it wasn't with the rest of the set. Who else could you imagine it would be? I might say Wolverine. I will post if I come across it.

profsafety said...

you need some real money to be a super hero now.

david_b said...

Profsafety, "Wasn't that what Booster Gold was tryin' to tell us back in the '80s..?"

Nice column, Cal.