Monday, August 19, 2013

Avengers 2 Will Be The 'Age of Ultron'

I (like everyone else) assumed that Thanos was going to be the major villain in Avengers 2 but I guess they are saving him for Guardians of the Galaxy. While I was totally underwhelmed by the recent Age of Ultron series, I have always enjoyed the stories where Ultron was the bad guy. I suspect this change was made to introduce Hank and Janet Pym (Ant Man, Giant Man, and Wasp) and the Vision to the Avengers movie universe.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Yeah, I was a bit surprised as well. I thought Thanos would be the big mover/shaker for "Guardians", but it looks like he'll have to share the screen with Nebula and The Collector, which kind makes me wish that they were going the route of making him the Big Bad of Avengers 2 so that he could be fleshed out a bit more.

I thought they'd wait until after "Ant-Man" to introduce Ultron. (Although whether or not Edgar Wright is still doing the project I don't know) Without Hank Pym, I'm guessing that Tony Stark will be responsible for this rogue AI (Milk the most out of RDJ while you've got him!) and the likes of Ultron and The Vision will start out life as modified Iron Man suits.

Kal said...

I am sure they have a huge sheet of paper with all the films and characters mapped out. But each actor is only going to get five mintues of screen time with all these characters.

I really hope they don't mess up the story of Hank Pym inventing Ultron. It's so much a part of the Ant Man story. Maybe the Ant Man movie will come out because it won't be until 2015 when we will see the Avengers back on the screen.