Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Anna Mercury

Anna Mercury is a leather-clad, red-headed hero who travels between parallel worlds, fighting to keep advanced weaponry from being used by more primitive worlds.

On Earth, in the modern day United Kingdom, Anna Mercury is actually Anna Louise Britton, an agent of the government, tasked with missions in the nine parallel worlds adjacent to our own. Anna's travels through the space between worlds charges her equipment that lets her defy gravity, move through solid objects, and perform other feats, though the energy is limited and must be monitored closely.


Konsumterra said...

i prefer the matt black ones rather than shiny bondage shiny ones - actually seems practical

Kal said...

I like that part of her look also. I actually prefer that to the sexier costumes if you can believe that.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is she Freddy Mercury's future alter-ego? If not, she should be.